
9 Steps to Speed up the Rhinoplasty Recovery Process

Rhinoplasty is also known as a nose job. This is a surgery, which is aimed to change the shape of a nose or improve its function. There are several reasons for undergoing this procedure. Some people might want to change the appearance of their nose, therefore it is considered to be cosmetic surgery. Some people might have a breathing problem and rhinoplasty might be an option for them. Another reason might be nose defects as a result of injuries or accidents. A number of people have a misconception that the recovery process after rhinoplasty takes a significant amount of time. There, rhinoplasty doctors have prepared a list of steps that might help to speed up this process. These steps are as follows: 

  1. Work with your body

    Your rhinoplasty specialist will be able to see how the recovery process is going from the outside. However, only you are able to know how it feels. Make sure to listen to your body and if something feels wrong after the surgery, do not hesitate to contact your surgeon straight away.

  2. Work with your specialist

    This is the most important advice that should be strictly followed. There is no information online or in books that can be compared to the actual consultation with your doctor. He/she is able to instruct on the needed medication in case of any difficulties, its dosage, when and how to take them. Furthermore, rhinoplasty doctors will make sure to prevent any kind of infection after the surgery.

  3. Keep your head in the right position

    It is not recommended to sleep on your side after the rhinoplasty surgery. It might cause additional bruising and swelling. It might also prolong the actual recovery process. In order to avoid the aforementioned, you will have to keep your head elevated at night for around six weeks after the surgery. Sleeping in a recliner is also an option. If you turn and toss regularly while sleeping you can use a travel pillow.

  4. Make use of cold compress

    By utilizing cold compresses you will be able to decrease the chance of swelling. You should keep in mind that you cannot apply cold compress directly to your nose. It should be applied to your cheeks so you do not accidentally shift any cartilage or bones.

  5. Take proper rest

    The surgery itself might make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Therefore, rest is a crucial part of the recovery process. Your body uses a significant amount of energy to heal. Therefore, you need to make sure that you get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night. This will assist in restoring that used energy.

  6. Do not blow your nose

    As was already mentioned, you might experience some side effects after the surgery and bruising and swelling are part of them. You will need to try to resist the urge to blow your nose. Your rhinoplasty doctor might also prescribe a saline nasal spray to gently moisturize your nasal passages until the problem goes away. Normally, you will be able to resume blowing the nose after six weeks following the surgery.

  7. Avoid smoking

    Rhinoplasty specialists advise eliminating smoking before and after the surgery. This is explained by the fact that nicotine in tobacco products limits blood flow, which makes it more difficult for your body to heal properly.

  8. Eliminate wearing glasses

    Reading glasses, sunglasses or prescription glasses should be eliminated after the rhinoplasty surgery. They put pressure on your nose and can cause additional swelling and bruising. Your rhinoplasty doctor will make you aware when it is allowed to start wearing glasses again. If it is impossible for you to eliminate glasses completely you should make use of the lightest possible frames in order not to put additional pressure on the nose’s bone.

  9. Give it time

    This is probably the most effective advice that you can get. Your nose will heal and you will get the desired results of rhinoplasty surgery, it just takes time. The above-mentioned recommendations are not going to turn one-year recovery into one week but will definitely speed up the process.

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